Note:  Following a summer 2024 hiatus, Family Meeting will restart Sunday, September 1, while First Day School and Nursery groups will restart Sunday, September 8.

There is nursery care for children five years of age and under during the school year (except for first and fifth Sundays). Baby care and unstructured toddler play are the norm. Two adults are always present with the children.

The Meeting provides religious education classes for children (First Day School) preschool through high school three Sundays each month during the school year, simultaneously with the 11:00 worship. Classes begin a little before the 11:00 worship begins. Students and teachers rejoin the worship about 11:45 for the last 15 minutes. Age groupings and classroom assignments vary from year to year depending on enrollment, so please inquire. Our First Day School committee oversees the classes and teachers; two adults are always present with the children.

On the first Sunday of every month there is a “family meeting” where adults and children gather together for songs, games and spiritual exploration in a separate room from meeting for worship. Parents are encouraged to attend with their young children. There are no other classes on these first Sundays. Family Meeting will be held Sunday, September 1 after a summer 2024 hiatus. (You can always contact for the most recent announcement sheet to confirm Family Meeting plans.)

Note: we expect Friends who are eligible but not fully vaccinated to refrain from attending worship or First Day School. This does not apply to young children who are not yet eligible for vaccination. Classrooms use in-room air purification. Masks are optional and welcome.

For more information about children and youth programs, contact