Twin Cities Friends Meeting (TCFM) was established in the 1960s. We actively seek to nourish the spiritual life of the meeting’s members, attenders, and visitors. In addition, the Meeting has a strong commitment to peace, social justice, and care for the earth.
While Friends have no formal creed, there are testimonies which are generally shared as a natural outgrowth of our spiritual practices.
Among these beliefs are:
EQUALITY: Respect for the dignity of all people
INTEGRITY: Commitment to truth-telling at all times
COMMUNITY: Caring relationships that support us in speaking truth
PEACE: Nurturing peace by seeking justice in its deepest sense
SIMPLICITY: Living lives which hold us in balance with our principles.
TCFM is an unpastored Quaker meeting, which means that we have no minister or priest. All members of the community are considered to be ministers to one another. A rotating committee of volunteers, the Committee on Ministry & Counsel, is given a particular charge to nurture the spiritual health of the meeting and all the people in it.
We practice silent Quaker worship at all of our meetings. For more on worship, see what to expect.
Decisions about the activities and positions of TCFM are made by a monthly Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business (MWB).